Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1) The Shawshank Redemption

This movie is a great tale about friendship, hope, and redemption.

Mmm oh yeah..this is not a lovey dovey story hehe

Have you watched this movie?
Or have you heard of it?


A little info of the movie Shawshank Redemption

Release date : September 23, 1994
Running time :142 min.

Cast : Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton

"In 1947, a young banker named Andy Dufresne is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover based on strong circumstantial evidence and is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine."

So the story starts with Andy who is convicted of murdering his wife and the wife's boyfriend. He is to be imprisoned for the rest of his life. Fate is clearly not on his side. So Andy ni pun pergilah meneruskan perjalanan ke penjara..without resistance..

Bila sampai..dia tak amik ape2 effort pun untuk kawan ngan org lain. Org lain yg dtg kat die sebab kebijakan dia ni walaupun dia ni diam. Sebagai seorang orang finance yang tere, sume warden and even ketua warden dtg jumpe die mintak financial punye consultation.. power tak power die ni..Sikit demi sikit die dpt penghormatan dari kawan2 and dari warden2.. tp ketua warden tuh still jahat la..

Walaupun die tau die tak bunuh isteri die.. tapi die langsung takde merayu atau memohon simpati dari rakan2..kire menerima takdir seadanya lah.. dalam diam2 Andy ada rahsia sendiri.. orang sume tak perasan...yang orang tau Andy suke kumpul poster..aku suke watak Tim Robbins dlm ni..mmg betul2 mcm muke org takde perasaan lah!.. Selambe je muke die all the way...

Aku suke gile cite ni.. For some reason, it did inspire me .. in some ways:

1) Andy knew he did not kill his wife and her lover, and yet he clearly accept his fate and move on.. although in a prison that is full of unexpected event.

2) He did his best in every situation. Although he is to be in the prison forever, he tried to ignore the fact and continue to give financial advises, do the boss's check and balance account and even open a library!

3) He did not know the term "defeat". Clearly the authority did not pay any attention to Andy when he sent a letter to them asking for a fund to build a library. What he did? He send them some more letter. A letter each day. And he did it!

4) He did not brag. Obviously he is the smartest guy in the prison. And he did not go around selling himself telling everyone that he is good in anything. He just kept quiet and continue doing his thing.

5) Loyal to his friends. He has several good friends. But toward the end, you'll see that there some sort of a bond between him and the character Morgan Freeman.

Anyway a nice movie to watch..



Anonymous said...

coppp.. movie ni xde tayang kat astro kan? apesal ek? i love this movie too.. last time tgk masa sek rendah (punyalah lama).. tp sebab movie ni habis lambat sgt and esok nak sekolah.. so xdpt tgk habis.. sobsob.. u tgk kat mana? kalau dvd ada jual x

btw.. lessons learnt yg disenaraikan oleh saudari ttg movie ni mmg sangat betul.. tetibe jadik bersemangat nak keje kat dept baru.. cewahhhh

sulalatus-salatin said...

hai anonymous... mmm astro mmmg ampeh kan? tahapehape muvie je di taruknye.. i tgk dulu pun time skola.. then i download sendiri.. tp tah mane dh la sbb hardisk penah crash ape sume..haha.. i think dvd ade jual.. kalau takde kat speedy then you bule try beli online mcm kat ke..

huhu..tuh la die kan duk penjara tp die buat cam takdepape je penjara takde rbsf.. wakakaka

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... aah lerrrr penjara mana ada rbsf... so maknanya dok penjara lagi bahagia la? oooopppss terlebey sudhaaaaa

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